strong original idea. In fact, the little base I did have was 100% changed when I started working. I ended up deleting my photo manipulation and turned the poster into a much more simple and concise design. I really loved my work and I'm very proud of all I did and how it turned out.
I also loved the vector project a lot. We had the choice between organic and geometric. I ended up going with the geometric because it would look better with my image. I did mine over my dog and the geometric design looked really good with it. This took about two weeks to make. I didn't have any challenges on this project actually. It was really relaxing and I came to class ready to work every day. I learned about the pen tool and how to draw. I also learned more about the eye dropper tool. I recommend doing a big chunk of triangles then closing it in, then doing the next chunk and coloring it. That's the method I used and I got mine done quicker and more efficiently than other people. I had no idea how this would turn out when I started. In fact, I had really low expectations because it looked really complex, but I ended up loving it and enjoying it! I loved my work and how much work I put into it. It looks great and I'm very pleased.

If I ended up finishing early, I would continue to add things to my project or go and help a friend with there's or get inspirtaion from several other classmates. I would occasionally look up new photoshop tricks and hacks to make my projects look better. I most defitinley critique my projects. I will constantly find ways to make it better or find the smallest imperfection that I can fix. I do a little bit of client work for my mom when she makes logos and yearbooks and my sister's cheer gym which I do video work and graphic design work for.
In Ecomm, I'd say I have a lot of strengths. I love this program so much which I feel really shows up in my work. My passion for the friends I have and these classes and my work helps me to really show my true colors and push through it all. I also think that my enthusiasm for the program helps me to get work done and get it done happily. I think I have a good vision for just about anything of the creative field so I always have a general idea of what I want to do. These characteristics really help me to pump out a good product.
For areas of improvement, there are definitely some areas I could work on. Of all five ecomm guaranteers, I'd say my worst one would be time management. I get all my work done on time, but I do it so close to the deadline that it stresses me out. I could definitely work on that and making sure to work smarter not harder. Especially on a big and stressful project.
In conclusion, the thing I loved most about graphic design, was probably the bonds and friendships I created through this class. I bonded with now one of my best friends due to our mutual annoyance for a particular fried of ours. The people in Ecomm are some of the most amazing and supportive people I've ever met. Everyone has a tight bond with everyone and there is no leaving anyone out. I also loved the relaxation this class gave me. It served as an outlet when I had a bad day. I really don't have anything to change about this class. I like the relaxed atmosphere, and the teacher who wants to help us. I've nothing but a positive experience in this class. My biggest goal next year is finding MY place in Ecomm. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do and I'm next year will help me with that. I couldn't have asked for a better sixth hour and graphics class and I'm so happy I learned all I did.
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