Fourth quarter group project
For this project, all three first hour ecomm classes were sorted into groups based on our personalities. We worked together to design a product that could potentially become a real one. After we had a product idea, we created a logo, animation, and advertisement which we would present to all the classes and ecomm teachers.
Time and management
Time use
During class time, we completed all the assigned assignments. These included the logo, 2D animation, 3D animation, and the ad. When we thought we were finished, we had the comm teachers give us their opinions on the specific portion. We were always on track and working hard to meet the deadlines we set. Outside of class, I like to practice my skills by doodling new logos for brands or companies. I also make fun little commercials with my siblings just to practice on and off screen jobs.
The most challenging thing for me in ecomm would be animation because I personally do not enjoy it as much as the others. I struggled to grasp the concepts introduced to us but I still found it interesting to lean about. I worked harder on getting better at this and in the end it showed when I helped out with the animation for he project.
Overall, I had a very positive experience in ecomm. I really enjoyed the quarter project it was nice to work with people I had never talked to. I learned a lot about about myself and others throughout this project and ecomm in general. It was fun to try new things and get to experience things that I wouldn't get to otherwise. Next year I am continuing in graphic design and video. This year, class, and teachers have taught me so many things that I will never forget.